# Entrepreneur of the Week # Post 2 Entrepreneur of the Week - Post Number 2 Investment Planning> Your Wise for Economic Freedom…

# Entrepreneur of the Week # Post 2 Entrepreneur of the Week - Post Number 2 Investment Planning> Your Wise for Economic Freedom ...

Entrepreneur of the Week - Post # 2

Investment Planning> Your Wise for Economic Freedom
First thing important to internalize:
Investing is a way of life! It's not a spin and we're done.
Even if you invested $ 100k and made 30% a year (one-time), what does that mean?
You went on financial freedom? Can you buy your dream home? Can you take a trip around the world with your family without financial worries?
Not really.
But if you've built yourself a strong and stable passive income, a real anchor, like $ 15k a month, now:
You can buy your dream home with a $ 5k mortgage a month, why not? There is a passive income.
Answer the rest of the examples yourself.
Accessed the following:
The chance that you will succeed in creating such an anchor, without a pre-plan that will take you to a goal like a GPS-guided missile - is nil.
Because for the first time, some difficulty and / or "get out of the way" - a good chance you'll give up and be one of the "I tried and it doesn't work".
Just as we would not build a house without meticulous planning of every phase of construction from the basics to the roof, so does our economic planning and certainly our investment planning. Planning is the cornerstone of success!
All the ways to yielding assets begin with planning
Proper planning of the road can start from different points of departure. Each family member must have their own unique plan based on their income, financial assets and physical assets and, of course, according to their goals. Not everyone must or can start from the same starting point, but they can all reach the final point together.
Here it is important to note that each and every one of us has a personal finishing point, which is the destination we want to reach financially.
So how do you do it?
Starting from the Goal - First, what is my purpose? What do I want to happen financially at the end of the road once I get it? What is the amount I want to make in a month?
Once we have set the goal, we will begin to examine things in depth.
Our Assets Exam - Our daily lives are so busy and crowded that most of us don't really stop to check what's going on in our account, funds and programs. To prepare a real and meaningful plan that will lead us to the goal, first of all, we will review: what savings plans, educational funds, pension savings and financial investments we have and what they are generating for us. There are a variety of great loan options at the expense of the same savings / investments. Also, there are financing options for a home / property if an existing home / investment property is available without a mortgage or with a low mortgage.
Mapping the financial situation. What is our monthly income and what are our current expenses and are all expenses important or is there money that just runs away from our fingers? After reviewing everything, we build a financial map that tells us what options are available to us and how to leverage the existing situation in favor of buying a rental property. It is important to know that even if the situation does not seem optimistic, there are still steps that can be taken to reach the destination. My belief is that we can all generate passive income, at one level or another, even if we have money and no money. It depends on the design and the price we are willing to pay to implement the plan.
When plans and reality collide
We have designed a program and we adhere to it, but sometimes more or less pleasant things happen along the way and a situation is created that the program is already less suitable. Such situations also need to prepare (crisis / corona for example). It is important that we understand that while the plan was good and good for a certain time, sometimes conditions change and then adjustments have to be made because life is dynamic and needs to be managed with flexibility. This does not mean that the plans should be given up, but only adapted to the changing reality and in any case continue to strive constantly for the purpose. Just like everyday, when we go somewhere and the Wise signals us that there is a traffic jam, a blockage or an accident on the way, he will almost always find an alternate route and reckon with us to work around the delay. The route will change or not, and may even lengthen but what is certain is that if we stick to the route or for that matter in our program - sooner or later, we will reach the destination!
What tools do we have?
First of all, consult people who have already done and succeed, and also failed on the way. Life experience is one of the strong things we can draw from and learn from the environment, especially when we are young with low mileage. Second, pay quality consultants with receipts to help us. Yes yes, I too am Israeli and know that Israelis don't like to pay and know how to do everything on their own. Get out of it, it's not good for business. To create a winning program you will need to surround yourself in a winning environment! Unequivocal. This will save you a lot of damage later.
One of the strong things we have when it comes to planning is the Axel. Excel is a document that tells us a story before the data we put into it, of course based on real and established data and various estimates that we will enter.
Ultimately and no less important:
After putting all the data into Excel, we will need to do monthly / quarterly / semi-annual and annual tracking.
Otherwise we can call our program: Contingency plan.
?? Here is an example of a plan I made for my investor ??
Some important points to note:
  • The program presented is for illustrative purposes only.
  • The plan presented is only superficial and does not take into account additional costs + taxes (and even offsets).
  • Try less to delve into the numbers (there is a whole back excel system) and try to get more ideas, tools and inspiration from watching this excel.
  • The idea is that anyone who does not have such a program or similar will get some sort of start.
  • There are countless variables along the way such as: some years we will make more / less return, more profits we did not anticipate and / or loss of losses, new investment options that will be exposed to us along the way and more…
"If you want to be happy, set yourself a goal, release your energy, and be inspired and hopeful"
- Andrew Carnegie, American businessman and donor -


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