We have a winner !! So after a hard deliberation and a job change for the contractor, we made a decision to go with…

We have a winner !! So after a hard deliberation and a change of job for the contractor, we made a decision to go with ...

We have a winner !!

So after a hard deliberation and change of job for the contractor, we made a decision to go with a luxurious master suite !!
Which actually significantly increases the parents suite and reduces the number of rooms in the house to 3 from 4.

The decision was made after extensive neighborhood research on the homes and types sold and it was decided that the fourth room was insufficiently significant in the status of home sales in relation to the population living in the neighborhood and in relation to homes sold in the last six months in the neighborhood.

I believe and appreciate that this decision will help us in a very quick sale of the house at a price that will break the market in the specific neighborhood.
Here is the winning architectural motto and the beginning of the breaking and opening of the walls.
# Renovation in Bezalmer

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