Post 1- Introductory post #Seamer Entrepreneur of the Week Saar Litmanovich # Post 1 Hi everyone, want to thank you first…

Post 1- Introductory post #Seamer Entrepreneur of the Week Saar Litmanovich # Post 1 Hi everyone, want to thank you first…

Post 1- Post acquaintances

# Initiated week
Saar Litmanowitz
# Post 1

Hi everyone, first of all I want to thank my father and the forum management for the stage and the opportunity, really not obvious.

I am Saar, 25 years old (almost half and a half), I grew up in Herzliya and currently live in Ramat Hasharon, the son of two amazing parents, the eldest brother of two little sisters and one cat who scratches my work chair.
Loves to travel the world, gain experiences, exercise, eat, listen to good music, go to shows and festivals and most importantly meet, get to know and talk to good people.
I am released (08.20 then still about) fresh from an amazing permanent service of about two and a half years in 8200 (5.5 years in total), among other things I served in development positions, operational operations, command in professional training and in recent positions I worked in command and management of excellent people (and better than me) in software development teams Different of the unit. (Do not ask beyond what I did you will not hear lies 🙂).
currently? A US real estate developer. (Confused? Stay with us)

Somewhere in September 18, towards entering permanent service and after a particularly black period in military service (and probably in my life in general) I realized that I did want to go up (exactly what my Rock Bottom was but) and that I would do full permanent service, as I had promised.
I still thought to myself - if I continue, at least I will leverage it in my favor as much as possible (today sounds the most trivial but at the time a serious thought leap).
I asked myself - what do I have today and where do I want to go?
At the time the talk was that I wanted to set up companies, startups at first and later corporations that would be the biggest imaginable. I wanted to produce things, make things happen and have a broad impact on people's lives.
Today I know how to call it that I wanted to be an entrepreneur :), and to some extent this is what I tried to strive for not successfully throughout my service until then.

This decision was my basis for many good things and especially for what developed into my personal commitment made to myself to #Continuous improvement. The goal: to be a slightly better version of ourselves every day.

Fast forward and I am a team leader for the first time in the team I grew up on, we tried full of things, some we succeeded but for the most part we failed. In these situations, conclusions are drawn, and we continue to run forward while applying what we have learned in the field, but for me the term is over. I aspired to another position, I extended another permanent and this time I had the right to form a team #start up From scratch in a technological area that I have never touched or thought I would have to deal with.

After 7 months I asked my midwife what to do because I have no professional challenge - the staff worked well, ticked off work, solved problems alone, I managed a minute a day and in total I would get to the base at 11 after a workout in the gym and a surfing session without anyone interfering because Productivity. So I started a technology project outside of work hours, and while at Corona I decided I was not having fun then for what exactly? ("If you do not fly on the jeans in the store you will not wear it every day")

From there we went back to basics and began a process of rethinking - what do I want in life? What's really important to me?
A Friday afternoon lecture on real estate and from there to a 3-day workshop, every night anew my head runs a million ideas, excited, excited and full of flying sparks everywhere, bottom line I did not sleep properly that week, I realized that is what I want to deal with-
"I want to pursue something that I would like to set the highest and greatest goals in, with the full intention, the greatest desire, passion and urge to defeat them, over and over again."

From there we got to ProectX, cycle 31, and the rest is history.

So nice to meet you, I'm an Assault, a real estate developer in the US and my goal in life is to help people be the best version of themselves.

Khalas I dug, see you tomorrow 😉

Link to the original post in the United States Real Estate Forum on Facebook - Works on a desktop computer (To view the post must be members approved for the forum)

The original responses to the post can be read at the bottom of the current post page on the site or in the link to a post on Facebook and of course you are invited to join the discussion

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