SHS method for filtering a property management company in the United States

Real Estate and Interest - US Real Estate Forum - Knowledge, Connections and Opportunities

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By Nir Bevagni

Hi mate


And this time on the topic of our discussion - management companies!

There are a number of critical relationships to generate in rental real estate investments. Finding a quality management company is critical on your path to success or failure in investing.


An excellent asset management company will produce the result of a quiet cash flow and a poor management company will undermine the investment and create endless losses as well.


As a remote real estate investor, an excellent management company is critical when we are not in a position to get to the property or deal with problems frequently.


I want to share with you a model for filtering a management company.

The Q-Q method will either direct you to filter and select a great management company, or help you examine yourself where your management company is strong or incomplete.


A management company that meets the criteria of the Q-Q method is one that will not only generate you cash flow, but will generate cash flow without unnecessary business!


Link to video The SSH method for filtering a management company that will produce you a quiet success


What is your experience with management companies and your criteria?

Questions or Illuminations?


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