Hello to community members. A friend and I are exploring the possibility of buying a rental property in the US in the months…

Does anyone here have rent-to-own experience? Instead of flipping a house I buy at 50, I found someone ...

Hello to community members. A friend and I are looking into the possibility of buying a rental property in the US in the coming months.

I would love to understand our leverage ability (I am American (with an American bank account, and he is only a citizen of Israel, we both live in Israel))

Does it make sense that we can take 75% leverage at low interest rates (about 3.5% CW) for thirty years?

I should point out that my extended family in the US has had a business of multifamily assets in California for decades (don't know if it's relevant but might contribute to getting the mortgage you want) ..

I would love for any purpose

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