Purim special - what to do with real estate during the coronavirus pandemic - a funny sample from the Mentormind meeting 6 of 8

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Mentormind April 2020 - Tal Levy - Base - Real Estate Entrepreneurship and Success - Experience Makes a Difference
6/4/20208:00pm IDT2 שעות
13/4/20208:00pm IDT2 שעות
20/4/20208:00pm IDT2 שעות
27/4/20208:00pm IDT2 שעות
Welcome to the MentorMind program of the United States Real Estate Forum in collaboration with Mentor Tal Levy

This program is the basic program that includes 4 two-hour sessions each session

Meeting Hours - Monday from 8 to 10 p.m.

Meeting structure:
1. Half an hour of study by the mentor
2. Half an hour of answering questions and answers from members of the mastermind session
3. Half an hour of live samples from the area demonstrating the study material
4. Half of going over each one's progress and giving tasks to the next meeting

To register please enter your name and email
For registrants who are unable to join one of the sessions, we will provide access to recordings

Tal Levi's Curriculum for Basic Meetings:
1. Why entrepreneurship and why real estate? - The reason makes the difference
2. Attitude and perseverance - the keys to success
3. Communication, marketing and sales as major tools
4. Search and find deals - the bottom line determines

Structure of each study session:
The weekly sessions are online
Connecting is easy and straightforward
A high speed internet connection and a webcam are needed
You can connect from a mobile phone, but of course it's best to have a laptop or desktop computer for the best display
At each session you will have a full interaction with the mentor and other members
You can watch everyone's cameras and have a conversation
The mentor will conduct the meeting according to a predetermined plan
During the meeting, the mentor will use various teaching tools such as:
Presentation, pictures, video, documents, graphs, explanation of the use of various websites, etc.
Please connect in a quiet environment
The duration of each session is two hours, so please have a relaxed time for learning
The basic + advanced sessions series will be closed to a mentor + 8 regular trainees
The goal is to create a breach meeting and a support group to help you achieve your personal goals!

For more details, visit the website - www.MentorMind.co.il


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