New Jersey vs. New York! "SOTA" program in which homeless people receive a second payment…

New Jersey vs. New York! "SOTA" program in which the homeless receive a second payment ...
New Jersey vs. New York!
The "SOTA" scheme where homeless people receive an annual fee for rent is at the heart of the controversy, which is now moving to the legal arena. The tones became personal when Newark accused Mayor De Blasio of moving street tenants into unsuitable housing. The mayor did not hesitate and responded: "In Newark, like Trump, they are trying to build a wall and prevent affordable housing families."

The New Jersey Municipality of New Jersey has filed a lawsuit against its New York neighbor and its head, Bill De Blasio, against the backdrop of a government plan in the Big Apple under which homeless people are being transferred into Newark.
Newark, which is the largest city in New Jersey, claims S.SOTA program, short for "Special One-Time Assistance" In which participants receive advance payment of rent over a year is not properly managed: "New York forces homeless people to move to Newark and live in illegal or low-income housing. The municipality does not conduct tests, or at least does not investigate the issue, Before the move, ”the lawsuit filed with the federal court read.
In Newark, the court is required to rule on a temporary halt to the plan, and to "further determine that the plan cannot be implemented in Newark."
But the lawsuit doesn't end there, and, as mentioned, New York City Mayor De Blasio is also among Newark's intentions. The mayor's office responded to the lawsuit and issued a statement this morning: "Against the backdrop of a regional housing crisis, the Newark Municipality has decided to take an illogical step and copy the Trump policy, in which it wants to build a wall and prevent families looking for affordable housing to live in its area."
The statement reads: "The municipality is acting in a wrong and painted way, and what it seeks to do is no less than income discrimination. We will continue to struggle to ensure that every family has the right to secure safe and stable housing," the statement read. The Newark City Council, of course, did not like the statement and issued a response: "For clarification, the prosecution does not blame the homeless, and we do not view the victims as guilty of the way the defendant acts."
It is estimated that in New York there are close to 79 thousand homeless, of which 22 thousand are children. This is the highest data recorded since the Great Depression that began at 1929 and ended only a decade later. The New York City Council tried to protect the SOTA program, mentioning that all its participants are required to be employed full-time (except minors).
in the picture: Manhattan on the right and Newark on the left.

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