good morning, I would appreciate important advice and tips on market research in the USA (California), how to do...

Hello, I'd love to help. I am looking for a refurbishment in Athens, for renovation of 2 apartments. Thanks

good morning,
I would love for important tips and tips on market research in the USA (California), how to do it correctly from your computer in the country? (Before of course you check it there as well).
Thanks to the tortured,

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  1. You will start by checking rental rates in the neighborhood. And look for multi-family in the area and some sold.
    Search in Zillow and realtor
    Call real estate agents in the area Ask the questions.
    At some multi-sellers, what the cost per unit, what the rental and demand in the area.
    Start from there

  2. Hi Yoav, thank you very much for your response.
    The goal of real estate is currently a multi-family property (6 units) in Ventura County. I would like to know what tools do I have to check the things you have specified? Also checking the market prices? (Buy, Sell, Rent)

  3. Hi there.
    California is a state, a great state. The prices there have climbed greatly in recent years.
    Start from the end, what are your goals and objectives? Are you interested in rental homes, upgrading deals, multi-family, whether small or large how many units, commercial real estate, offices?
    From there, you will continue to focus on resolution, look for a California district or city that has some development or development going on soon and real estate prices are still sane (California is one of the most disproportionately recent states).
    Once you decide on a district and a city, you will focus on neighborhoods that, on the one hand, have demand, on the other hand real estate is available for Kenya and that the prices there make sense as an investor.
    Would you be happy to share with us more of the direction you want to go?