#MilonHandlan Title Company – In the USA, the sales process is usually concentrated by the title company....

Does anyone here have rent-to-own experience? Instead of flipping a house I buy at 50, I found someone ...

# Dictionary dictionary

Title Company -
In the United States, the sales process is usually concentrated by the company. It is the one that will check the legality of the transaction (every company has an attorney) and also insure it against future claims (if someone claims ownership of the sample property or debt that has not been repaid).
Escrow Account -
Another thing the Teitel Company does is hold a loyalty account where the buyer’s money is held. Until the transaction is closed, the company makes sure that everyone receives the payment they deserve such as the broker, the payment of taxes and fees, etc., the balance of the payment goes to the seller.

In summary, the company is the body that accompanies the deal and takes care of the legality and distribution of the funds as well as the final registration of the owner.

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