A friend is stuck in the process of buying an apartment in plowing, now the contractor is applying pressure to pay the payment…

Then the bank asks: "What is the purpose of the loan?" What's your excuse?

A member gets stuck in the process of buying a flat in Harish, now the contractor puts pressure on him to pay the final payment, what he needs is basically about NISX thousand and then starts to pay about NIS 230 each month (to be divided into 2000 people).
The 230 thousand you pay will give you 50 percent of the apartment.
5 apartment with a balcony of 33 meters.
The project is currently in the final stages - final date, maximum delivery date February 2020.
The goal is to sell the apartment a year after receiving Form 4 with a profit of at least NIS 250 if the market remains frozen without price increases, should there be a higher price hike in profit.

There is an appraiser estimate from 2016, the apartment was valued at 1.2 million.
It should not be mentioned that this is a lightning deal and is suitable for those who know the market in plowing.

Send me my details and I'll get back to everyone.

Link to the original post on Facebook - Works on a desktop computer (To view the post must be members approved for the forum)

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