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# Entrepreneur of the Week Yossi Golan # Post 2 ** Purchasing land in the USA ** You have decided that you are tired of flipping! And what is the reason…

#יםמהשבוי Yossi Golan #Post2 **Purchasing land in the USA** You have decided that you are tired of flippers! And what is the reason? Murphy. Murphy visited you a little more than you thought. The wall that you decided to remove during the renovation, in order to open up the space in the center of the house, actually concentrated all the electrical and air conditioning infrastructure inside it. And so a few more thousands of dollars evaporated for them and a good reason for the contractors...


  1. As an active member of the Kadisha Council of Samaria, of course volunteering, this is one of the most difficult and satisfying roles. Starting with the purification, the family escort, the funeral and the seven-day organization. And again with full volunteerism.

  2. Should also know real estate to sell to ten 10 the same plot of tomb and one who saw the series When the Walking Dead need knowledge in the construction of the tombs crumbling over time should do Tama 38 or evacuation construction excavation he will not do it will be a contractor work to do the excavation

  3. Notice this is a prime example of a tailor-made tender. Looking for someone with three years' experience in digging graves. What is there to know about digging a grave? It takes exactly an hour to learn everything. They just have someone already and put the tender on him.

  4. Yes, it caught my eye yesterday too. But not in the real estate section but rather in the gender section: the ad is for a "undertaker" job. is that so? Do they really appeal to both men and women here? A revolution in a burial society, or a new record in political correctness?…