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# Entrepreneur of the Week Natalie Alter # Post 2 ** Possession of a property in the US in private registration or under LLC? ** One…

#יםמהשבוי Nathalie Alter #Post2 **Holding a property in the US in a private registry or under an LLC?** One of the common questions of real estate entrepreneurs in the USA is whether to hold the property in a private registry or under an LLC. I will try to explain in a simple way the concepts you should know about the subject, and above all - the advantages and disadvantages of each choice. **So what is an LLC anyway?** Similar to a limited company...


  1. Tax is imposed on income
    Then the longer the loan is without interest
    Then there is no income and, naturally, there is no tax.

    It should be borne in mind that both Israeli and American law have rules that are intended to see in relation to a loan between related parties without interest, as if given at market interest.

  2. Tax is imposed on income
    Then the longer the loan is without interest
    Then there is no income and, naturally, there is no tax.

    It should be borne in mind that both Israeli and American law have rules that are intended to see in relation to a loan between related parties without interest, as if given at market interest.