Jerusalem Boulevard in Jaffa will from now on become a pedestrian street without cars. Nine lines will pass to the street…

Jerusalem Boulevard in Jaffa will from now on become a pedestrian street without cars. Nine lines will cross the ...

Jerusalem Boulevard in Jaffa will from now on become a pedestrian street without cars. Nine lines will cross the crowded beautiful street and the distant stages. 127 business owners are in danger of closing in the three years of work. That's how light rail is built in Israel.

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  1. Ofer, you probably know that the business owners have approached the municipality in recent years to reduce the property tax, and they are simply not ready to reduce a penny? .. But money must be paid to the artists on Independence Day ,, hundreds of thousands of shekels for some songs

  2. For years they have known that the light rail is going to be built on this route, so what they have to complain about could have asked for a renewal of the contract with the owner during the construction of the train, after the train will be much more expensive, the owners and of course the nearby businesses. It's if they suddenly decided to build the train there

  3. It is not at all certain that their situation will improve upon completion of the works and the operation of the train.
    Recently the boat moved the travel times calculator from its website. The above is in line with the disillusionment regarding the expected level of service that is expected today to be significantly less attractive in relation to the presentation that was broadcast to the public with the launch of the project until recently. Currently there are no defined targets at all for the line service level.
    Unfortunately, the government operating model will probably lead us to another inefficient and useless train such as the old line to Jerusalem. The billions will not return.