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  1. The problem is management. As long as everything is fine there are no problems, but from my experience managers change or at least their priorities change, and quite a few of them are also lazy, and sometimes have a particularly annoying trait: they do not respond… The basic American character is a bit lazy, especially when they get only ten percent For a job that is very difficult, so when a manager enters a different priority or does not answer or overlap, you are in serious trouble at a distance of ten thousand kilometers… in my opinion - this is the problem of investing in remote places and especially in the US.

  2. Assessing the current value of the property and the value after renovation. In Olslayer transactions, there is usually no agent who can issue a CMA. Often times there are no similar transactions, we don't know what the condition of the properties that were recently sold was and the data with a wide deviation to the point between good viability and complete unviability.

  3. MM 1 - Contractors you can trust. 2 - Determining vacancies in a particular block (for this you need Boots-on-the-Ground) 3 - Regular updates on changes that are happening in the city and affect the real estate map. A good operation in the area can make the job easier :).