Marathon or real estate? Tips for success in life

Marathon or Real Estate? Tips for Success in Life

Marathon or real estate? Tips for success in life

**** The link between real estate success and running a marathon ****

Anyone who knows me knows that I was not a runner and I always had a hard time keeping up with sports.
I would start a gym and two months later stop. Know that?

One day I decided I was running.
Although I always hated it, I arranged with a friend in the park and ran together.

At first I ran with walking breaks really slow… I was not fit.
But after two or three times I decided that I wanted to take it seriously and I decided with a running coach and since then I also joined his running team.

In team training it was very fun, everyone there is positive and supportive and motivated to continue.

Every workout became better and improved from time to time.
What's amazing about sports and especially running - the improvement is really noticeable from training to training and it gives a great feeling!

After two months of running I was informed that in a year from now, the Berlin Marathon will fall on my 30th birthday! (This was in September 2016).
At that moment I decided I was going to do it - even though I had barely run 10 km and had no idea yet what it meant - a whole marathon is 42 km…

Now I'll explain why I'm even talking about sports and what is the connection between this and real estate:

During the marathon preparation year, I learned a lot about myself and the direct connection between investment in training and marathon success and the parallel to the business world and to life.
I have summarized my insights below-

**** 5 Lessons for Success in Real Estate Investments I Learned From Marathon Runner ****

1. Learn from a trainer or mentor in the field.
You have to stick to someone who has already done something that you want to do. Someone who will guide you, teach you what to do, and guide you along the way. Every step of the way there will be someone who knows more than you and can take you to the next level. Keep modesty even when you think you're smart.

2. Surround yourself in a supportive environment.
Do not just say that you become the average of the people you revolve around most.
A supportive environment is perhaps the most important thing.
A strong environment by willpower. To be successful in real estate, as in sports, you want to be close to successful people who speak the language and support you, not all the "consultants" who do not understand anything about money but will always make sure to give you advice.

Sometimes the people closest to us take us down just because they worry about us not taking risks - it's important to know who to listen to and who not.

3. A clear goal - a picture of victory.
Thanks to my goal of running a competition, I had a reason to get up in the morning for training even when it was hard and I did not feel like it.
In real estate it is important to have a destination - where do we want to go? what's the point? In how many years do we want to make money etc? It is desirable that this goal be written in a measurable way with a clear time frame.
For a whole year I had a picture of a victory in my head.
I knew I was going to run a marathon on my 30 birthday. I could imagine it so clearly, I went to sleep with this feeling, I imagined the weather that day, how I would give up at the finish line and how my family and friends would wait for me and celebrate with me. This clear picture made me manage this marathon with maximum accuracy as planned.
The same goes for investments and businesses - set a goal that you can clearly imagine the feeling, the feeling that will excite you and its result. For example - at the age of 40 I will earn $ 10,000 passive income each month from income-producing real estate investments worth $ 1,200,000.

4. Plan of action.
Prepare a plan for your investments. Just as there is a training program for a marathon - even in extreme weather conditions it must be met in order to be successful, so too real estate investments should have a plan and it is highly desirable to adhere to it.
For example, in order to earn an additional $ 10,000 in real estate - how many apartments do I have to own? At what prices and how long will it take me to reach this amount of assets? Make a plan!

5. persistence
Now that we have these four rules, all that remains is to persevere - stick to the mentor's advice, connect with as many people as possible who understand the field, set a clear goal, build an action plan and persevere along the way for 3 years, 5 years, 10 years…
There will be difficulties, successes and failures.
But only perseverance will keep you focused on the big goal - just like in a marathon!

Good luck to everyone and have a shell week!
Jonathan Lifshitz

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  • Thanks Yonatan Lifshitz. Inspiring!
  • Excellent!!
  • Audio
    You're number one
    Amazing without question !!!
  • Well done
  • I liked the analogy. Sounds accurate and correct
  • excellent!!!!!
  • Thanks
  • Great and so true !!! every word! ???
  • Incredibly accurate-well done ????
  • Thanks
  • ?..Well done!
  • Beautiful writing, correct and precise.
    By the way, we did not get to talk at the last meeting.
  • Beautiful writing, correct and precise.
    By the way, we did not get to talk at the last meeting.
  • I loved .. definitely inspires!
  • As someone who did the same route…. You beautifully described the relationship
  • The picture of victory
  • Well done
  • Very nice!
  • And today you are already a mentor to others… Come on Iron Man!
  • And today you are already a mentor to others… Come on Iron Man!
  • Inspiring
  • My Brother. What a wonderful post. Who like you knows how to set goals and challenges and meet them?
  • Champion ?
  • Yonatan Lifshitz then? Running together? ?
  • Nice to mention in this post
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