How to get a second opinion on property value? (First opinion was the agent of ...

How to get a second opinion on property value? (First opinion was the agent of ...

How to get a second opinion on property value? (First opinion was my buyer's agent)

One of the reasons I'm considering buying this property is that I think I'm getting a good deal on it. I told my buyer's agent that I wanted to know what it was worth and that I definitely bought it at a certain price. When he returned, he told me it was worth the price I was telling him that I was buying in (the seller is asking for a fair amount less, the seller has no agent).

I realized he had an incentive to tell me it was worth it so much the transaction was going through and I made a mistake when I told him what I would buy at home before he made the estimate.

How do I find a trusted value for this property?

Submitted by / u / darkenfire

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Wed, 27, Feb 2019, 23: 03: 32 + 0000
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How to get a second opinion on property value? (First opinion was my buyer's agent)

One of the reasons I am considering buying this property is I think I am getting a good deal on it. I told my buyer's agent that I want to know…

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