First steps in real estate - fear and uncertainty

Real Estate First Steps - Fear and Uncertainty

First steps in real estate - fear and uncertainty


Hi dear friends.
I want to talk to you about….
the first step.
Headfirst plunge.
About the decision, the fear, the uncertainty.

I've been dealing in real estate in Israel since 2004, and the first Metro Detroit property I bought at 2011.
I remind you that Detroit was in huge chaos, in the process of bankruptcy, the economy is appalling and God will save.
In truth, I knew all that, but I didn't understand the meaning.

In 2011, I felt apartments in Israel are beginning to be too costly, the yield is eroded, and I have to do something else.

The US fascinated me and I decided to buy.
In those days, I knew I was going to be a passive investor. I didn't have time to learn too much,
But buy I decided.
The Israeli company that sold me the property at 45000 $ looked like a company of fair and professional people and indeed they had a lot of knowledge and understanding of the market.
The only small drawback was that the house cost me more 2 than its value in those days.
But I didn't know. I didn't know that there were so many tools with which you could at least know the market.
I prayed that they did not sting me, and indeed the property was registered in my name in Tabu, a little renovated, rented, and to this day the tenants there pay me rent every month.
Total…. Sabba.
Today we get to meet different people interested.
Some examine the market, the assets, the population, the level of crime and unemployment, the price trend, immigration, the percentage of owned and rented homes.
Check and check and do lots of excels, surgeries etc.
Year movie importers renamed are more testers.
Prices have already risen by 10-15 percent across the metro .. and they are still checking

I want to tell you something.

You can check and keep checking.
Learn and explore
Read and understand
Which is great
But sometime action has to come.
Sometime you'll have to feel the real side of it.
Sign a purchase offer, inspect, fill closing documents, refurbish to manage, rent, speak American, insure the property, and see dollars start to get into the account.

You can purchase property in any amount you want and everywhere
There are properties in 250000 $ and there are in 25000 $
There are leased properties and have to be renovated .. There are and.
Sometime, if you decide that is the direction, you will need to purchase.

So if you decide why you are afraid?
What will happen?
Do not forget that you are operating in America.

(I make a second stop and think about an apartment option in Israel:
Say, buy an 4 apartment in her room, let's say 1.5 from a chat room, bring 500.000 chess equity,
Then go into the bank dance, take a million shekels, for 30 a year, and return to 1.7 bank for a chat in 30 a year, doesn't that scare you? )

It may not be easy. There may be bumps along the way.
It may also be excellent
But if you do not, you will not know

I promise you that the more you do it, the more you learn
Most are more likely to earn more

And one thing is most clear:

"Ships that do not leave the port, do not risk drowning, but will never, ever see new and golden beaches"

So if you are in the business of a long, interesting journey, full of discoveries, surprises, people, searches, pleasure, and profit…

Take yourself out of the harbor.

We have long been at the heart of the sea, sailing in the American real estate world, and enjoying

So let it be really, for everyone's success

Link to the original post on the United States Real Estate Forum on Facebook - Works on a desktop computer:

The original responses to the post can be read at the bottom of the current post page on the site or in the link to a post on Facebook and of course you are invited to join the discussion


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  1. You wrote well shay bar.. Those who want to be an entrepreneur and investor should know how to run long distances, I have experienced less good years and excellent years in general the USA pays high returns. The laws and rules are clear. And for those who want to start, I recommend contacting the author of the post

  2. What amazes me, Shai, is that almost every entrepreneur, lender, investor brings up an experience of fraud / deception in one order or another, at the beginning, or during it. Even in legitimate transactions, such as those in which the customer receives a property in a reasonable condition at a price close to at least the market price, there is still "meat" and profit for the entrepreneur. It is sad that people choose to build themselves financially while dropping others into a deep pit, and not just in the economic aspect…

  3. Every word carved in stone! Investing is not safe and some will not check and the numbers will make that there are so many variables that can change the investment so you must feel that we have accumulated enough knowledge to jump or leave the water but do not continue to wear it