Building Permit

Building Permit

Building Permit


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What is PERMIT and why is no one telling you about it?

The process of renovating a property in the United States is of great importance in the renovation and replacement of 5 infrastructures that make up the heart of the home: roof, electricity, plumbing, cooling system and water heater.

PERMIT is a certificate issued by the municipality - through the Construction Department -
That the infrastructure we replaced - was replaced by an urban standard, the infrastructure installer is a licensed contractor authorized to carry out the work, and that there was external oversight by the supervisor of the regular performance of the work.

Proper repair and replacement will in most cases ensure marginal and minor involvement with all the maintenance of the property.
As a rule of thumb it is recommended that:
Roof over 15 year will be replaced,
Heating system cooling and water heater - over 12 year will be replaced,
Plumbing - PVC or CPVC type,
Electricity - Above 150 Ampere property over 1000SQF.

Why do not they tell you about it?
In most cases in order to sell the property cheaply to the Israeli investor without making repairs properly,
Or if an infrastructure replacement was made, not through an authorized contractor issuing PERMIT - which would reduce the costs to the entrepreneur, but would cause the end investor to purchase an asset with an inefficient infrastructure replacement quality in most cases.

So, you will learn to demand and ask to know the status and age of infrastructure in the property you buy, replace them when necessary, and if only then exchanged with PERMIT!

Link to the original post in the United States Real Estate Forum on Facebook - Works on a desktop computer (To view the post must be members approved for the forum):

The original responses to the post can be read at the bottom of the current post page on the site or in the link to a post on Facebook and of course you are invited to join the discussion


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  1. Post is very important!
    There are districts where the paramilitary is open to everyone on the Internet!
    Offer you a property that looks interesting?
    Check out the age of the systems according to the permite and you will see that there is a permite (another method for cross-checking information through an independent means)
    Do not rely solely on words.

  2. The permit has additional importance, it protects both the contractor and the owner of the property, that is, the contractor receives approval for the work that was performed correctly and if and to the extent that there is a problem of, for example, some kind of damage or malfunction, the insurance company will not refuse payment on the grounds that, for example, if something else was done correctly in the sale of the property The buyer wants to make sure the work was done according to the standard and then he wants to see all the approvals