After attending a lecture on mentoring and coaching (as part of a program of the…

After attending a lecture on mentoring and coaching (as part of a program of the Interdisciplinary Center ...

After attending a lecture on mentoring and coaching (as part of a program of the Interdisciplinary Center where I serve as a mentor), I wanted to share, as a colleague, some of the members of the group who are engaged in the marketing of overseas investment apartments with the thought that could possibly streamline the process with Israeli investors.
Just ask them why they want to invest in real estate abroad? Understand with them why in the process at all? The answer is not obvious and you have come across a variety of answers like-

A. I have money on the side that I feel needs to be done with (and I have no idea in the capital market)
B. I have no liquid money but I'm anxious that I won't have enough pensions / money to help the kids and I'm thinking of mortgaging the home or taking out a loan to accumulate assets for the future
third. I have seen a friend who invests and in general I feel it is a trend and I miss something but inside me I know I will not sleep well at night when my money is overseas.
D. I got divorced, I only have money left for half an apartment .. Is it right for me to buy this apartment abroad or maybe wait for the next spouse and buy an apartment with him and maybe even fly for a trip around the world? Why should I be enslaved again
God. Because I already own an apartment and do not want to pay 8% purchase tax on a second apartment but ideologically I would rather invest in Israel and maybe I am not sufficiently aware of all the options in the country?
and. Because I am self-employed and I am tired of chasing clients and I have a steady passive income that will calm me day by day and therefore I should look for an immediate yielding asset and less wait for value increase in a few years

more and more…

Each and every one of his considerations, his world of values, his fears. In my opinion, as someone who advises and guides the process, it is important to first understand the starting point and motives to get started with coordinating expectations and really adjusting the right investment or even in some cases, to tell the Pune that it may not be right for him at the moment, to advise him first to consult with a financial advisor / adviser Estate etc. and save yourself and yourself time and energy.

On this occasion, wish everyone a successful 2019 of right and productive investments!

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  1. Strongly agree. I as a financial advisor when someone comes in and talks about wanting an apartment abroad, straight starts with this set of questions to make sure it is right for him and not because everyone is talking about it. A successful personal and business year